A Survey of the Bible


The foundational revelation of the Creator of the universe—the God who made man and woman, marriage and family, society and nations, music and art; the God of Israel, the covenant Maker and Redeemer of all the families of the earth.

Historical Books

A fabulously rich record of God-centered history in a man-centered world, written for our benefit that we might embrace the supremacy of God.

The Prophets

The inspired writings of the earthen mouthpieces of God calling for a reform of heart, a return to God, an increasing view and honor of His person, an increasing enthrallment over His works, and a faithfulness to His covenant promises.


Living a godly life in an ungodly world requires more than mental acumen; it requires the Hebrew concept of hokmah: God-given wisdom for God-centered living.

The content on these pages is taken from the Bible survey teaching series given at Trinity Bible Church.